Project Description
From a desolate, defeated and DONE! life to a destiny-filled life of dedication, determination and discipline,

Becca and I first met a business seminar but it was love and major mutual respect at first glance. She has a true passion for health, fitness and helping others which is so amazing considering she is almost mom to 3 growing girls! Talk about SuperWoman!

Becca’s Story
During childhood through adulthood (age 40), Becca was a “lifelong patient,” grappling with illnesses ranging from chronic asthmatic bronchitis, to digestive problems (gut pain) and elimination issues to Chronic debilitating back and knee pain — in and out of doctors and hospitals.
Imagine, just weeks after receiving a “quiet divorce email” from my now former husband, telling me he thought we should split, my dad’s beautiful and giving life was transitioned from our world, quickly stripped away by wrongful contra-indication of 25 different prescriptions that burst his insides and he bled to death. I didn’t know which one to focus on, supporting my mom and brothers who knew nothing of “the email” and my how my life was quickly changing. I had three young girls (7, 9 & 12) and for the first time in my life felt confused and frightened. The story gets better, I was struck, and severely injured, riding 21mph on my bicycle on 12/31/2009, while training with girlfriends for the MS150. My helmet cracked and my head met the pavement. My body slammed down, twisted and my whole right side was in pretty bad shape. — 3 events in 90 days … “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!”
Life’s changes have changed my life! My once sickened body is now strong and my mind feels sexy. I’ve committed to helping others how to gain a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE. I create action-planned weight loss strategies for busy, high-end executive and moms by changing the relationship with food and my spirit-filled practice. I too had a bad food relationship during my college years, I gained the “freshman 15” in 4 months, and championed that too! I packed on 25 pounds in the first semester and went from a size 7-8 to 14. This turned into a body obsession, working out 3 hours a day so I could eat.
Now life is thrived intentionally, with passion and purpose. I will keep evolving and becoming a better person, mom, coach, speaker, God’s girl. Every day.
I feel blessed that I’ve been “in” wellness since birth — as a patient. Because now, Iam a certified health coach and started my professional fitness career at 19. My expert support includes: Mindset/Self Love, Body, Nutrition, Energy, Green Living and Food/Recipes, that guide you with proven tactics and science-based research to live a lifestyle of health, a life filled with happiness — on purpose and with intention and gratification. Girls just wanna have fun!
I’d love to learn more about your individual journey, your fav recipes and ways you add fitness into your life— Please share with our loving community!
I have come to realize, we are all connected to support each other’s journeys. When I get to know you and hear your story, I feel a connection. Whether you’re experiencing health issues, need weight loss guidance or going through a major life altering time, God has blessed and equipped me with tools that have helped thousands of women, now it’s your turn to experience a new spin on YOUR LIFE and feel and look your best.
Here’s a little bit more on me to help you get to know me better.
Originally known as “The Green Soccer Mom,”I started my internet presence ( – no longer running) helping others rid themselves and their kids of Asthma. I spoke for years on webinars supporting the Asthma Awareness Coalition and sharing simple lifestyle strategies and products that can help wipe out symptoms and triggers of even chronic asthma (I still have a powerful arsenal — just ask)! My anecdote to ASTHMA is so simple, and holistic, I wish all the doctors would share it!
My first big ‘aha’ moment happened while she was attending the University of Florida, while working at a nutritional store (where better to start my self educating and getting paid to learn— YAY BABY!. No internet back then) and a javelin thrower on the track team. I began to notice that changes in my nutrition and approach to exercise literally transformed my physical and mental well-being. Gradually, many of long-term symptoms began to ease. My elimination system started to work. My WHOLE LIFE I experienced pain and constipation challenges, which were treated with medicine, instead of food! This is the foreshadowing for the foundation of how the “F.I.T” LIFEstyle truly started.
I didn’t allow the years of health and personal challenges to keep me seated on the sidelines of life. Blessed with a mom who never let her feel sickly or made her feel less than the other kids, we tackled speech problems and dyslexia, coupled with missing 20-30% of my elementary school years head on … but INSIDE Becca endured poor self esteem and thinking she wasn’t smart enough or truly fitting in. Areas that were never dealt with were just tucked deep inside and weren’t even revealed until 2009 when her life started spinning out of control. Anything from your childhood still eating at you deep inside?
The teenage years were filled with helping family and working (probably like you). Yes, another sickness struck just before 14, and she spent a few weeks in Sloan-Kettering Memorial Hospital to have a grapefruit-sized tumor removed from her breast.
In-between … and after all those little episodes, Becca found sports a place of grounding and area that she excelled in … and felt most happy. So no surprise today, FITNESS is one of the cornerstones of her arsenal to self care and personal success. You can see, God’s plan was in place from the very beginning.
What did Becca do before her transformation? and How did her transformation occur?
Branding is no mystery to Becca. She was the founder and CEO of Multi Media Communications (1989-2001), a full service boutique-styled advertising agency, featuring a PR and full service marketing and design departments. She also co-founded Multi Media Healthcare with a doctor, catering to the healthcare needs during 90’s.
Today, a single mom of three school-aged girls Becca has found her calling in the Wellness Industry. Turning a life, that at one time looked bleak to bliss and living boldly ON-PURPOSE, INTENTIONALLY and DEVOTED to God’s calling for her life!
Let’s get started on your total health and fitness transformation!!! Grab your complimentary 15-minute consultation (link) — or choose one of my programs (link) that “fits” your needs. Most start with the 17 Day Lose A Pant or Dress Size, the shortest program with the biggest POW (Information and value… yours for $17 — valuable info $350)! Yup, you’ll lose a size and gain momentum into your new savvy, fearless, fit and sexy life!
I’m blessed to join you on our journey together!
Becca is amazing great fitness. Thanks.