College Prep Genius2017-08-12T15:52:58-04:00

Project Description

I’m proud to introduce to you College Prep Genius who were guests on my show ‪‎ForbesLivingTV‬ last year – College Prep Genius is a preparatory curriculum that helps students to prepare and do well on the ‪SAT‬ and ‪PSAT‬ exams. Founded 12 years ago by homeschooling mother, #JeanBurk‬, the company has helped thousands of high school students, including Burk’s own two children, get ‪#‎scholarships‬. In preparing her son and daughter for the PSAT and SAT exams, Burk decoded the tests. As Jean said – “It became clear that the test was based on logic and not on IQ.” The cost to attend college is about $80,000 and not affordable for many. The College Prep Genius curriculum teaches students the recurring patterns on the test, and the shortcuts and strategies to find the answers fast. Many students have raised their SAT scores by 600 points. The program consists of the College Prep Genius textbook, workbook, and DVD set, along with free downloadable homework that helps reinforce the strategies. By doing exceptionally well on the SAT & Preliminary SAT (PSAT) exams, students can earn huge scholarships, including a full-ride. Check out my episode with Jean.


  1. Zany Stokes May 8, 2016 at 11:24 AM - Reply

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  2. Nicki Valis May 14, 2016 at 7:06 AM - Reply

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