It’s Not Selfish To Love Yourself

Not Selfish Quote

If you want happiness then understand that it starts with you – not with your relationships, not with your job, not with your money but you. Your internal state, your thoughts affect your external state. Life really is like a boomerang, what you put out, is exactly what will return to you, so if you’re unhappy, don’t like your own company, feel guilty or hate yourself on the inside, then your outside life is always going to reflect that. To change the world around you, you must first change the world inside yourself. Face your fears, your demons, take responsibility for your own feelings, your own actions and especially your own mistakes. Learn the lessons and make the changes to avoid being a donkey. Life is like a school, we learn to walk, we fall, bruise ourselves, but don’t just sit there, get up and keep moving forward – keep your thoughts positive and be blessed you have been given another day, for in each waking day, you will find scores of blessings and opportunities. Take advantage of every second. Use your mind to create new ideas, to wipe out debt, heal relationships, and transform obstacles into opportunities.


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