Plan a Space2017-08-12T15:52:46-04:00

Project Description

Meet my next guest William Niels, CEO of Plan A Space – who was a guest on my show recently. With Plan a Space you’ll never make the mistake of buying the wrong size furniture again. Put down the ¼ inch scale drawings and try our LIFE SIZE furniture templates. Plan A Space™ has created life-size, reusable “footprints” that will replicate the actual size of your sofa, love seat, chair, table, etc. before you purchase it. They’re great for any house, condo, appartment or office.

Take our user-friendly templates, pre-printed to standard dimensions of furniture, cut or fold to size, and then place them on the floors of your different rooms. Move the templates around to determine the best arrangement and size for furniture before you purchase it. Check out my episode with William.

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