/SpinGym LEGAL
SpinGym LEGAL2018-10-20T18:44:29-04:00

The SpinGym trademark is owned by and used under license form Mad Dogg Athletics, Inc.

SpinGym is a patented product with a utility patent for usage.

@2018 SpinGym LLC.  All Rights reserved.

Patient Information

 “U.S. Patent No. 8,668,631 B1 and for use in the methods of U.S.  

Patent Nos. 9,254,406 and 8,668,631” or more simply “U.S. Patent Nos. 9,254,406, 9,072,934, and 8,668,631”

  1. Virtual marking of Pat. Number: Place a website address on the product or manual that includes a web address to a website with patent numbers covering the product and method of use.

     Example: “U.S. Patents:  www.spingym.com/patents

This can be any website link