John O’Hurley2017-08-12T15:52:17-04:00

Project Description

John o'hurley & Forbes riley co-host infomercial for comic Red SkeltonJohn and I co-hosted the very successful Red Skelton infomercial.  It was also the closest I’ve gotten to Dancing with the Stars AND it was VERY nice — fingers still crossed for the real thing!  I did WIN a Telly Award for hosting this amazing show!

John o'hurley & Forbes riley co-host infomercial for comic Red Skelton on set

John O'Hurley dancing with the stars winner and forbes riley

Dancing with the Stars John O'Hurley 2John O’Hurley (born Oct 9, 1954) is an American actorvoice actorauthor and television personality. He is known for the role of J. Peterman on the NBC sitcom john O'hurley on seinfeld with elaineSeinfeld and was host of the game show Family Feud from 2006 to 2010.

He competed in Dancing with the Stars, came in 2nd and then competed again and WON his rematch.

John O’Hurley Guest Stars on the X-Files

John O'Hurley on x-files with david duchovney gillian anderson
John O'Hurley on x-files

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