Billy Mays2017-08-12T15:52:15-04:00

Project Description

500px-PitchmenI had a blast launching my fitness sensation SpinGym on the Discovery TV series PitchMen with infomercial megastars Billy Mays and Anthony Sullivan.

Each episode typically begins with Billy Mays and Anthony Sullivan being pitched different products by their inventors. Two products are then selected and are field tested with peoples’ opinions gathered on the products.

If successful in the field test, Billy and Sully would create an infomercial which is then produced and played in test markets after which the inventors are notified of the amount of success that the commercial generated. For products that generated a successful level of consumer interesUnknownt, high praise is given by Billy and Sully.

The series ended following Mays’ death on June 28, 2009.

“>Meet Billy Mays. You know, the TV and cable pitchman for Oxiclean, Zorbeez, Mighty Putty, WashMatic, Kaboom! and a host of other products that just made life easier for millions.

Billy’s real story, from his birth in ’58 to his funeral in ’09 the story of the son, husband, father, and friend is written by Bill Mays Sr., who tells you about the behind-the-scene Billy he loved so much.Billy Mays studio

Billy’s upbringing was humble, but he was surrounded by a loving family of longtime Pennsylvania residents. His father filled a whole suitcase with memories, mementos, photos, and news clippings that detail Billy’s short life. He wasn’t always the guy with the full beard; he was an infant, a schoolboy, a teenager, and then a young adult who worked his way from pitching products at county fairs and flea markets to the top promoter on the Home Shopping Network and the owner of a custom-built mansion in Odessa, Florida.

511A8RBSnaL._AC_SR98,95_Everyone wanted him as a pitchman, and his popularity, voice, and image ended up eclipsing the products he sold. He became a celebrity in his own right, making various appearances including both Jay Leno’s and Conan O Brien’s Tonight Shows.

Billy was a remarkable person with a level of energy that defies description-or imitation. Give a big thumbs-up for Billy Mays!


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