Books to Read in 2017 – Your Future Self Will Thank You For
To learn from other leaders in a space you are in, or to get motivated by celebrities or thought leaders you look up to, or even to ignite your imagination through those non-fiction works is extremely powerful. No matter the read, we all, at one time or another, have used a book to either solve a problem, research a topic, or to escape a certain reality. Books were help you better understand processes in sales and marketing business. They open up opportunities to learn from thought leaders, business experts, and influencers. These 5 books in particular that meant a great deal to my growth, helped to expand my network, and offered instantaneously applicable practicum for my personal and professional ventures. Not only have these five books brought tremendous value, but they are books that I would recommend to anyone looking to improve their business, increase their mindset, and open up new opportunities for themselves as they transition into 2017. Start Me Up: The No-Business-Plan Business Plan Written by small business consultant and CPA Ebong Eka. Throughout this read, Ebong does an exceptional job of breaking down the nuances of starting a business, and offers great information that can be extracted very easily [...]